Fernweh – it’s a German term that means the ache to be away. I love this idea – the poignance of homesickness but for travel. Strangely, I’ve never felt fernweh. True, anyone who reads my travel blog, RideOverCountry, knows I love adventure. And sure, there were days when my kids were little that I’d look at my old red truck and picture driving it into the sunset, windows open, Tom Petty blaring, and no one on that hard vinyl bench but me and my dog. Still, ‘at home’ has always held as great an allure to me as ‘at large’. In fact, for me, there are two ideal states of being – in a place so unfamiliar that the very air tastes exotic or cloistered away on Peach Tree Road. These 26 acres have been the theater of my life for the past 25 years. But, they have never been my 'living.' Now, with retirement finally coming into view, I’m going to change that. Let me introduce you to this plot of land that defines me and follow my journey as I slowly convert it into Iron Sun Farm.
Farming can be solitary, but I’ve found another reason for folks to come to Iron Sun Farm — lavender
Living longer than all your animals offers lessons on aging (and living).
Teddy Roosevelt once said, “Far and away the best prize that life has to offer is a chance to work hard at work worth doing.”
You are officially a farmer when all you can talk about is the weather and how things were better when you were a kid.